Fair Oak Infant School

Sowing Seeds of Success

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Wrap Around Care

Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club runs between 7.30am and 9am, children must arrive by 8.15am if they wish to have breakfast. The children will be able to choose from a selection of breakfast items including toast, baked beans, cereal, milk, fruit juice etc. Following breakfast a range of activities are available for the children, both indoors and outdoors. For further information please contact our Breakfast Club Manager through the School Office.

After School Club Year R Children

Wyvern College run an After School Club for children attending Fair Oak Infant who are in Year R. The children are met within school by Wyvern Staff and taken over to the After School Club at Wyvern, which is open until 6pm. Please contact the Community Enterprise Office for more details on 023 8069 2678.


After School Club Year 1 and Year 2 Children

For children in Year 1 and Year 2, After School Club is run by our school and is available from 3:30pm until 6:00pm. A range of activities are available for the children, along with a light snack. Please contact the School Office for more information.

Further Information

Further information about our Breakfast Club and After School Club, along with charges, can be found in the information booklet, along with our parental agreement. You can also contact our Wrap Around Care administrator (Mrs Lindsey Phillips-Jones) through the School Office (023 8069 2207) or by emailing wraparoundcare@fairoak-inf.hants.sch.uk 


Contact Information

Email: wraparoundcare@fairoak-inf.hants.sch.uk

Telephone: 023 8069 2207

Wrap Around Care Administrator: Mrs Lindsey Phillips-Jones

After School Contact: 023 8069 7024

Independent After School Clubs

Please note that all the clubs listed below are held after school and are run independently by outside providers. You will need to contact them directly for bookings and enquiries. 



lcon Sports Coaching - www.iconsportscoaching.co.uk



Football and Dodgeball - www.iconsportscoaching.co.uk



Karate - sw.skoonline@gmail.com 07764 478507



Funky Play Bricks - www.learningthroughsport.co.uk info@funkyplaybricks.co.uk



Street Dance - info@integr8dance.com 01962 808398 

