Sports and Music Funding
Sports Funding
What is the Primary School Sport & PE Funding?
Each year schools are given funding to develop sport and PE provision in schools. Schools are free to determine how best to use this funding to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision, including increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles.
Our action plan identifies how we intend to use of allocated funding for the coming year.
Fair Oak Infant School Sports Premium Action Plan
Football Festival
In October, three teams of children participated in a Football Competition at Wellstead Primary playing against other Year 2 children. They demonstrated good skills and collaborated well in their teams. Well done!
Hockey Festival
In the Spring term, we took a team of Year 2 children to play in a hockey festival with other Year 2 children from local schools at Southampton Outdoor Centre. Our children persevered as well as collaborating as a team really well. We are very proud of them. Well done!
Gymnastic Festival
Nine Year 2 children took part in a Gymnastic Festival at Fair Oak Infant School alongside children from other local schools. Each school performed a Key Steps routine which they had learned during curriculum time. Then they participated in a variety of jumping, balancing and travelling activities. The event was led by Icon Sports Coaching. The children excelled themselves and we are very proud of them.
Cricket Festival
In April, ten children from Year 2 took part in a Cricket Festival at Ageas Bowl led by the cricket coaches Adam and Ron. Three other local schools participated too. The children enjoyed practising their throwing, catching, batting, bowling and fielding skills in the cricket ground’s indoor school. They all persevered, enjoying showing their great cricket skills, and the coaches were very impressed. At the end, the coaches showed a demonstration using their bowling machine how fast a Hampshire or England Cricket player can bowl the ball. The children were amazed when they saw the ball being bowled at 99 miles an hour!
Tennis Festival
In June, some Year 2 children took part in a Tennis Festival at Bishops Waltham Tennis Courts led by Active Academy. The children played tennis with other Year 2 children from local schools. They collaborated working as two groups earning points for their team. They persevered and reflected on their tennis skills from their PE lessons. They had lots of fun and we are very proud of them.
Ceilidh Festival
Twenty-four Year 2 children went to the Jubilee Hall in Bishops Waltham to take part in a Ceilidh country dancing festival. They danced a variety of dances that they had learned during their PE lessons and even made up their own dance. Very creative! It was a super event organised by Folk Active and they were supported by a live band. It was lots of fun celebrating their achievement in dance. Well done!
Rounders Festival
In July, forty Year 2 children took part in a Rounders Competition on Fair Oak Junior School’s field. They collaborated in mixed Year 2/Year 3 teams and played a roundabout of matches. The other Year 2 children came to watch and support their class. It was a fun transition event enjoyed by all. Thank you to ICON who helped to lead the event.
Music Funding