School Uniform
We ask all our pupils to wear our school uniform of emerald green, white and grey, both in school and when representing the school at off-site venues. Wearing school uniform helps develop pride in the school and gives the children a feeling of belonging. It also saves time in the morning! Images of our School Uniform can be found below.
Winter | Summer |
Trainers should not be worn.
PE Kit
For PE, a t-shirt, shorts and plimsolls/trainers are needed for both indoor and outdoor PE. These should be kept in a drawstring bag. Children in Year One and Two will need trainers for outdoor PE.
Logo items can be purchased from SkoolKit - there is a branch in Eastleigh, or through their website.
Pre-loved Uniform
The school provide a selection of pre-loved uniform which is available to all families. This is free and can be sourced from the school office. The items which are usually stocked are cardigans, jumpers, trousers, dresses, skirts, PE kit, book bags and PE bags.