School Improvement Plan
Our school improvement plan provides information regarding the school’s self-evaluation and the priorities that have been identified for 2024 - 2025. It is used to help drive school improvement and its implementation is monitored by school governors. School improvement planning is a continuous process, consequently, this school improvement plan may alter over the year, as evaluations and reviews take place.
This year we have six improvement targets:
Teaching and learning across the school continues to develop, ensuring quality first teaching.
The school’s curriculum continues to be developed, in line with our Curriculum Design Principles.
The school continues to have high expectations for behaviour and conduct in all aspects of school life, in line with the school’s new behaviour policy.
To develop awareness of attachment and trauma across the school, informing best practice to support those identified.
Well-being / mental health continues to have a high priority within the school for children and staff.
Provision within the outdoor learning environment facilitates high quality learning, independence and opportunities for social development.