This week has been our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Week. The children have been very busy demonstrating our School Values, whilst using STEM as a vehicle for learning this week. Our week began with us conducting two experiments in assembly and talking about how lots of jobs involve the use of STEM subjects.
Year R
The children have had a fantastic time creating their own bags to carry their Autumn treasures. We have spent the week investigating and testing materials and the different elements a bag would need as well building their bags, choosing how to attach it together and adding handles and decorations. We then evaluated our bags and thought of ways that we could improve them if we were to make them again. A big thank you to all the parents that were able to help on our Autumn walk.
Year 1
We have had a very exciting and enjoyable STEM week in Year One learning about different aspects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
First of all we used the story of Hansel and Gretel as our focus. We thought about and named all the 2D shapes that could be found in the sweet house. Then together we collaborated to explore the best sweets that could be used to build our own version of the Witch’s house. We were given lolly sticks and cocktail sticks to help us build our structures. It was great fun and hard not to eat our creations!
Mini Professors vistited us to run a fantastic workshop where we explored aspects of floating and sinking.
We also got to explore all the processes involved in making our own paper.
Next we used the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears to help us investigate the vocabulary of tallest, shortest, shorter and taller than when comparing the characters.
In Science we helped Goldilocks to choose the best material to keep her porridge warm. We tested tin foil, cling film and paper and compared the temperature, before and after five minutes.
Finally, we read The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We needed to help some builders measure three new bridges for the goats. We used non-standard measures (cubes, paperclips, scissors…) to check our measurements after drawing outside in chalk.
The naughty troll then came to eat materials from our classroom. He didn’t like them being mixed so we had to be very careful to only feed him the same types (e.g. only plastic). We wanted to keep him happy!
Year 2
Wow! This week Year 2 have enjoyed some fantastic experiences in our STEM week.
This week we were testing different material and different sized paper aeroplanes to see which one went the furthest. We found out that card aeroplanes went far because they have sturdy wings. We also investigated homemade hovercrafts to see if more air in the hovercraft made it go further.
As well, in Year 2, we tried to slow down gravity in our ‘world’s slowest marble run’. We used straws, lollypop sticks and Unifix to try to slow the marble down.
Year 2 have been lucky enough to be visited by IBM who gave us the opportunity to participate in different activities. Firstly, we were engineers, using marshmallows and spaghetti to try and build the strongest bridge. Then, we began our careers as rocket scientists, discovering which was a better fuel for our rockets, air by itself or water and air mixed together.
Finally, we were Criminal Psychologist trying to create a ‘photofit’ of Mr. Peart on the iPads.
Year 2 have had a fantastic STEM week demonstrating our School Values!