Fair Oak Infant School

Sowing Seeds of Success

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Worldwide Read

"The Worldwide Read was lots of fun and gave us a wide variety of books to read together. we particularly liked learning about Dubai."


Year 2 Parent

This is the Worldwide Read section of the library. 

It has a wide selection of books relating to different cultures, festivals and countries around the world as well as books about recycling, the environment and British values. 

These books can be taken home and shared with family and friends.

Don't forget to add the book to your Reading Passport to become a 'UK Reader, European Reader or a Worldwide Reader'.


The different topics in the passports will help children to deepen their understanding of the world around them.

Once the children have completed their passport, they will receive a very exciting certificate and will be a UK Reader, European Reader or Worldwide Reader!

Year R
"Hello World, was my favourite book because I learnt how to say hello in lots of different languages. My favourite was Jambo...that means hello in Swahili".
Year One

"I loved reading the Atlas because I learnt where different countries are in the world."


"I liked Caring About the Earth because other animals and bugs can live."   


"I liked reading Topsy and Tim when they go to a different country". 


"I loved the Easter story because Jesus rode on a donkey."  

Year Two
 "The photos of Greece showed really beautiful views. I remember finding out Greece has more earthquakes than any other country in Europe. Family life  is important in Greece."