Fair Oak Infant School

Sowing Seeds of Success

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Our School Aims and Values

Our School Aims

At Fair Oak Infant School we aim to provide an environment where every child really matters and parents, school and the community can work together to create: 



Successful Learners who: 

  • acquire basic skills to prepare them for their future.
  • enjoy learning and have inquisitive minds. 
  • are motivated, confident and independent. 
  • are resilient and are able to learn from their mistakes.
Confident Individuals who: 
  • form and maintain relationships, working independently and collaboratively.
  • is aware of their strengths and weaknesses. 
  • can take risks and feel a sense of achievement. 
Global Citizens who: 
  • express their own emotions and feelings and has awareness of others.
  • behave responsibly.
  • take pride in their own culture and are able to respect the culture of others. 
  • make positive contributions to their community.

Our School Values

Each year we introduce our Schools Values to the children. We began by asking 'What is a value?' We get many different responses, including: 'What something costs,' 'Something you show to other people' and 'They are how you are'.


The definition we are using with the children is 'A value is something that people think is important that will help make you a better person and a better learner'. 


All our values are being represented by an animal.


Our six School Values are:


To show we are caring we need to care for:

  • ourselves
  • others
  • the environment
  • things around us.


Caring is being represented by Caring Kangaroo.


In order to show we are creative, we need to:

  • have our own ideas
  • use our imagination
  • ask questions
  • try new things


Creativity is being represented by Creative Spider.


In order to show we persevere we need to show:

  • we don’t give up
  • we try our very best
  • we are not afraid to make mistakes
  • we learn from our mistakes


Even when things are difficult.


Perseverance is being represented by Persevering Squirrel.


In order to show we can collaborate we need to:

  • work together
  • listen to each other
  • share and take turns

Collaboration is being represented by Collaborative Bees.


When we reflect we:-

  • stop and think
  • use what we already know
  • ask questions
  • think about our learning


Reflectiveness is being represented by Reflective Owl


When we are respectful we:-

  • listen to others
  • show good manners
  • treat everybody fairly


Respect is being represented by Respectful Elephant

Each year, the children can earn one of our School Value Badges, by showing they can demonstrate each of our School Values. They collect value stickers, which they place into their Values Passport. When their passport if full, they are presented with a Values Badge, a different colour for each year group.

Parent Information on our School Values

At the end of each year we reflect on our School Values.  In assembly  we have been talking about how our school values have helped us become ‘a better person and a better learner’. Here are some of the children's responses.
